Sunday, June 20, 2010

Internal transformations: Digestion

The digestive system is a mirror of the cycle of five transformations. The Yang organs are known as the hollow organs through which food passes and is absorbed into, or excreted out of, the body. Examining the pathway of digestion and the organ's elemental association reveals a repetition of the larger cycle. Nourishment enters through the Fire element, and is drawn down by Metal.

Food enters our mouths and digestions begins on the tongue, which is associated with Fire. It goes down the throat which is associated with Metal (though not generally a part of the traditional Chinese digestive system). It then enters the earth element. The Stomach rots and ripens the food, and the Spleen separated the pure from the impure. The Spleen is the only Yin organ associated with digestion, though this fits with the five transformations model of Earth as the center of the other transformations.

At this point, the cycle repeats itself. The food enters the Small intestine, which is Fire, and goes into the Large Intestine which is metal. Metal continues it's downward push through the anus to excrete the solid waste, which is interesting as Metal draws in vapour and excretes solid.

The Bladder controls the release of waste fluid from the body. The metal descends, or roots, water for collection in the Bladder, and here the Water element is directly related to water.

The Gall bladder is also involved in digestion as it's the wood Yang organ, but it's function is very unclear. My sense is that it helps smooth the motion that moves food through the system. Yang is generally thought of as rising, but all of the Yang organs are designed to descend. Another example of the wonder and complexity of the Human body.

Photo Courtesy of GreenFlames009

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