Sunday, June 6, 2010

Two Cycles of Transformation: inside and outside

There two cycles of five, one within, one without.

The larger cycle is the interaction between ourselves and the world around us. It extends below our feet and above our bodies. The smaller cycle is within our bodies. The classical Chinese position for the Human being is standing with both arms bent, hands facing upwards. This comes from understanding that heaven enters our bodies through our fingers, which need to be raised to receive it, and earth enters our bodies through our toes, which need to be firmly on the ground. All meridians end or begin on the tips of fingers or toes. The five transformations are embedded in this worldview. Metal goes downward below our feet and Water roots in the ground. Wood rises above our heads and Fire connect us to the world around.

There is a second cycle within our torsos. Our internal organs mirror the flow outside with an internal flow. Liver (wood) qi rises in the body to reach the Heart (fire). Lungs (metal) connect to heart and descend the energy to the Kidneys (water), the root of our energy. Our spleen (earth) resides in the middle, gaining nourishment and regulating all of the transformations.

One should also note that the Fire element is doubled: one for each cycle. (More about this in a later post.) 

Our limbs are the link between the two cycles, receiving and sending energy to the outside world. Our torso is the small mirror of the cycle that resides inside of us. Both need to be harmonious and in harmony with each other for health.

Photo courtesy of Muhammad

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