Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Control Cycle

Fire controls metal to regulate the connections with the energetic world around us. If the boundaries are too weak, fire connects more strongly and metal firms up the boundaries in response. If the metal is too strong or stiff, the fire lessens so metal can open in response. The balance we are seeking is to be about to receive without being overwhelmed.

Metal controls wood by regulating the downward force that is rebounded into wood energy. When we push down with less force, less wood pushes back up with the contact.

Wood controls earth by making sure there are no clumps in the soil. The wood energy moves through the weave to make sure it is clear and the moisture can disperse throughout the entire weave. When there is stagnation in the earth weave, too much wood travels through the established passages and doesn’t fulfill it’s function of clearing and leveling. Anger disturbs the weave and the heart connections so that we are not nourished by those around us and are left wanting.

Earth controls water in that the roots of the kidney are composed of the earth weave. If the weave is weak, the roots are weak. If the roots are improper, the spleen can soften the weave to adjust.

Water controls fire in that water is rooted in the ground below and Fire is connected to the world around us. If we start to lose ourselves into our connections, the water roots us down into the ground and into ourselves. By adjusting the depth and strength of our roots, the water can control how we connect into the world around us.

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