Sunday, May 23, 2010

The transformative cycle of our breath

Breathing can be divided into four segments, each corresponding to a particular element: inhale, pause, exhale, pause.

Wood: Inhale. The air fills up the diaphragm and qi moves upward and outward, filling the body.

Fire: pause. Qi is at the top of the body and we are most perceptive of outside energetics.

Metal: Exhale. Downward motion of qi. We strike and push on the exhale so that our exterior qi can push against the internal motion of rooting.

Water: Pause. Rooted qi. When we are most internal and most solid. It's also the place where we are most in touch with our fears.

Fire and Water are states of being, while Metal and Wood are movement.

Try breathing through the elements and let me know what you experience.

Photo courtesy of Naturalturn

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